Dr. Matthew Friedman Vacation Buy Out Check

Letter to Ocean City Board of Education emphasizing that the school superintendent is NOT entitled to a vacation buy out check due to deliberate and intentional manipulation of his attendance record along with providing examples of recent cases of public official attendance misconduct. 

Mr. Chris Halliday, Board President. Ocean City Board of Education.
Subject: Dr. Matthew Friedman Vacation Buy Out Check

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Dear Mr. Halliday:

Contractually, the Ocean City Board of Education is obligated to provide former school superintendent, Dr. Matthew Friedman, his vacation buy out check within sixty (60) days of his resignation date, which would be by the end of this month (August, 2023).

In this regards, Ocean City Fairness in Taxes (FIT) has provided you and other board members an abundance of information along with supporting documentation that Dr. Friedman is NOT entitled to a vacation buy out check, in any amount, as a result of his premediated and deliberate attempt to manipulate his attendance record for personal financial gain that he did not earn.

Currently, FIT is reviewing further details of Dr. Friedman’s attendance record, namely the time he arrived in district on the days he did managed to make it to Ocean City. Initial results are not very promising as Dr. Friedman reported to work late, in some cases very late, often times. It was common place for Dr. Friedman to report to work after 11:00am, when the start of the work day for the district office is 8:00am.

At this point in time, FIT has documented many days that Dr. Friedman was out of district but did not record the absence into the district attendance record keeping system. Now, add to this the numerous times he reported to work late and it reinforces that Dr. Friedman is not entitled to receive a vacation buy out check, in any amount. His attendance record is lackluster at best and not representative of a school leader entrusted with the future of our
school community. Dr. Friedman owes the district and we do not owe him anything.

As a public employee, when you say you are at work and in fact are not, that can be considered misconduct worthy of legal action by law enforcement authorities.

Attached to this letter are recent examples of public officials who have been criminally charged regarding payroll or attendance issues similar to the current situation with Dr. Friedman. Not showing up to work and still getting paid, without taking appropriate leave, is not an option in the public sector.

In closing, FIT’s position regarding Dr. Friedman’s buy out vacation check has not changed and if anything, has solidified as a result of reviewing the times he arrived for work, which frankly are disgraceful for a leader. A vacation buy out check, in any amount, would be an insult to the district taxpayer, staff that actually showed up to work and to the Ocean City school community in which Dr. Friedman failed for his lack of leadership, commitment and most importantly, HONESTY.

Respectfully submitted,

David Breeden, President 
Ocean City Fairness in Taxes

Exhibit “A” – Jersey City Inspector News Article on Stealing Time – July 28, 2023
Exhibit “B” – Atlantic City Police Employee Misconduct – August 23, 2023
Exhibit “C” – Mercer County Park Ranger Misconduct – May 1, 2023

cc: Tim Kelley, Board Secretary/Business Administrator
Ocean City Board of Education Members
Ocean City Fairness in Taxes Board of Directors

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