About Fairness in Taxes

Fairness In Taxes is a non profit civic association for fiscal responsibility. Serving the taxpaying residents and property owners of Ocean City, NJ.



  • David Breeden, President
  • Jim Tweed, Vice President
  • Bill Hartranft, Treasurer
  • Ed Dixon, Secretary
  • Vic Staniec
  • Shelia Hartranft

Our organization, totaling about 1000 members, was originally formed in 1988 by Bill McCarthy, for the purpose of serving as an advisory and fact-finding group in areas of city budget, school board budget, county budget, taxes and any other related civic activity that could affect this community.

Prior to Fairness In Taxes, proposed budgets tended to become actual budgets with little discussion. Because of the efforts of Fairness In Taxes, the proposed budgets now more closely reflect the city’s needs. Since 1990, every budget and tax proposal has been reviewed by Fairness In Taxes and when needed, recommendations have been made to the city council and the administration. As a result, Fairness In Taxes has been instrumental in reducing the proposed tax increases.

Fairness In Taxes continues to work to ensure cost effective and responsible management of public funds translated into an efficient and effective delivery of public services in an environment that is consistent both with our identity as “America’s Greatest Family Resort” and a great community. We believe this can be accomplished without the current tax and spend mind set.


To serve taxpayers and residents of Ocean City, NJ in a fact finding and advisory capacity providing officials and citizens the resources needed to actively promote effective and efficient governance and education.


  • The high cost of labor, healthcare in particular, is the fastest growing item in the Ocean City budget. We continue to fight for greater employee participation in their healthcare costs and more balanced contracts overall.
  • We continue to work for a reduction in your tax bill. Ocean City’s tax base continues to increase every year producing more revenue for the city. Our government has chosen to increase spending rather than use these increases to reduce our taxes.
  • We wholeheartedly support quality education for students attending Ocean City schools. We will continue to work for educational excellence and fiscally sound school budgets for the taxpayers of Ocean City.
  • We support sensible and healthy development. We oppose over development as well as development that is not consistent with and within the boundaries of our established zoning ordinances.
  • The beauty and integrity of our city is being destroyed by over-development and weak monitoring of new construction by city officials and appointed boards. Density impacts everyone and now may be the greatest threat to our fragile community.
  • Responsible property owners who have a heart for the community of Ocean City are less able to enjoy their homes because of traffic gridlock. Dramatic overpopulation of multiplied and “mega”-developed rental units, and the resulting parking nightmare strain our infrastructure and public services.

Fairness In Taxes can give YOU the vehicle for your voice and insight to be heard and respected, and we can, with other civic groups, provide the foundation for developing new leaders, but only if YOU give us the opportunity.

Someone has said we get the government we deserve. We demonstrate what we deserve in government by our willingness to sacrifice at least a little for the sake of how the community is governed.

Want to help? Contact us via email, or call our hotline. Thanks for your ongoing support of Fairness In Taxes.

Fairness In Taxes
PO Box 565
Ocean City, NJ. 08226

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