Fairness In Taxes
Meeting Minutes 08/01/18
Board Attendance: Dave Breeden, Leo Burke, Bill & Sheila Hartranft, Dave & Marie Hayes, Don Kerns, Donna Moore, Vic Staniec & Jim Tweed
Meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:00 P.M. with welcome by Jim Tweed.
Web Communications – Dave Hayes
- Source code has been transferred from the old website to the new website, fairnessintaxes.com.
- Webmaster will enter all postings. Anything posted by individual members will be approved by the webmaster.
- Dave Hayes presented a protocol for posting on the website in which the webmaster determines what should be posted. There will be an appeal process for people who disagree with the webmaster’s decision. They will be able to present their posting request to the FIT board for approval. This protocol was approved by the FIT board.
- Dave Breeden commented that when the site is completely up and running, we would decide what is posted, approvals, etc.
- Leo Burke commented that we should be cautious about postings and asked about cost. Initial payment has been approved and made. The hosting fee for the first six-months will be $50.00per month, then the group will have the option for selecting any hosting service they wish. One well-known hosting service charges $35.00 per month.
- Sheila Hartranft agreed with Dave Breeden, get the site up and running and then decide what would be posted from members with board approval. Things that are routinely sent to a webmaster for posting are approved minutes, newsletters and calendar updates as well as changes to FIT board and changes for mayor and council.
- Bill Hartranft agreed and stressed that any postings from individual members should be approved by the board to avoid anyone posting inappropriate comments. Believes Dave Hayes is doing a great job on this project.
- Vic Staniec feels we should include the OC School Board members on the site as well as the FIT board. We should be going after readership whether they are registered members or not.
- Marie Hayes said our meetings with guest speakers have been very well attended.
Treasurer – Bill Hartranft
- Dues received so far for 2018 are at $7,285.00. At the same time in 2017 they were at $6,245.00 With that said, only 38% of registered members have paid so far.
- Insurance has been paid. The total outlay for the year is approximately $1,200.00 for three policies. These policies should be reviewed to be sure we’re getting only what we actually need.
- Dave Breeden agreed to audit the FIT financial records. The auditing committee members are Dave Breeden, Leo Burke, David Hayes & Jim Tweed.
Annual Business Meeting & Board Elections – Jim Tweed
- A nominating committee should be put in place. Jim moved to establish a nominating committee for this year; seconded by Bill Hartranft. Committee members are Bill Hartranft, Vic Staniec & Jim Tweed. Motion unanimously carried.
- The annual business meeting and board elections will be held on Friday, October 5 at 7:00 P.M. All our monthly meetings, accepted by acclamation will be held on the first Friday of each month at 7:00 P.M. Bill Hartranft will handle the arrangements with the library.
- It was decided there will not be a paid ad run for this meeting; but will be fully explained in the regular media announcements in their calendar of events.
Education – Vic Staniec
- Avi Ravia, with a GPA of 5.16 and having taken 15 AP courses was the Valedictorian for the graduation. The Salutatorian was Billy Mack, with a GPA of 5.001 having taken 12 AP courses.
- Rather than having the top graded students be Valedictorian and Salutatorian, they made their selection from the top 10 students graduating.
- For the eighth consecutive year the budget remains the same.
Education – Vic Staniec Cont’d
- Monies from the state are now being based on school population, though no adjustments have yet been made. There will be no change in the total amount received for Ocean City due to the number of choice students. Most school districts have lost monies. Tuition is now $15,900 up from $13,300.
Public Safety Building Project – Dave Breeden
- So far 4 surveys have been done regarding this project at $100,000 for each survey. They now planning to move it to the car dealership property and doing another study. Jim Tweed asked if FIT should get involved in any way. Dave felt that yes,
we should at least begin asking questions. Could also be an opportunity for some good press. FIT could put together a list of questions on all the options for this project the city is considering. Anyone who has specific questions should direct them to Dave Breeden.
By Laws & Articles of Incorporation – Leo Butke
- Copies of By-laws and Articles of Incorporation will be given to Leo by Sheila Hartranft for review. One question is are the committees already set up working as they should?
- It was suggested to Marie Hayes that we invite the new Police Chief to be a guest speaker for a FIT meeting.
- The subject of inappropriate comments language used by board members was raised. Jim Tweed felt this is an area that is very difficult to monitor and/or control.
- Donna Moore is putting together a chart of all pesticides and herbicides being used by the city on public lands and the potential hazards to the environment and ground water.
Public Comment
- Donna DeRoucher raised two issues;
- 1) prior to hurricane Sandy her understanding was that no construction was permitted from Memorial Day thru Labor Day and after Sandy the rules were rescinded.
- 2) after the sand was pumped for the beach replenishment and we experienced a couple of storms there developed a huge drop as you get close to the water on some beaches and it has not been addressed by the city
- It was not clear what, if anything, FIT could do with regard to this.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M
The next meeting will be Wednesday, September 5, 2018.
Respectively submitted by
Sheila Hartranft, Secretary