Fairness In Taxes Meeting Minutes 08-02-17

Board Attendance: Leo Burke, Bill & Sheila Hartranft, Dave & Marie Hayes, Michael Himchman, Vic Staniec & Jim Tweed

Meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:00 P.M. with welcome by Jim Tweed.

Treasurer – Bill Hartranft
Dues paid to date are $6,245.00 representing about 45% of our membership. Savings Acct. stands
at $17,330 and CI’s at $12,688.00.

Only receiving .49% on savings and I recommend we take some of the savings and buy an additional CD at 1.5% interest. Michael Hinchman motioned to do so, seconded by Leo Burke;
carried unanimously.

O.C. Flooding – Michael Hinchman for Suzanne Hornick

Bill Hartranft had OPRA’d city on maintenance and condition of check valves. Received a response
within a few days and forwarded it to Suzanne Hornick. The records did show that no valves were
checked in 2017. Will check with Jim Mallon.

There seems to be some conflict of info as Suzanne is not getting a response to her questions. The
flood committee should get together and ask the city clerk why there is no response to her.

Vic Staniec that he understood valves were to be rotated every 6 months. Are they doing it? Bill
stated he would review the OPRA response to check on this.

Leo Burke stated he though the city had purchased a new truck just for valve maintenance.
The new “No Wake” signs are in and ready for distribution.

Education – Vic Staniec

School Board met today (August 2, 2017).

Ocean City gained $17,369.00 in funding; the most in Cape May County. Pleasantville lost
$800,000.00; most due to the cutting of 70 positions. They receive $24.3m from the state.
Atlantic City gained $5.5m.

Tech schools – Egg Harbor receives $15.m and Atlantic City $1.2m. All figures based on revised
student numbers.

The national report places New Jersey at 2nd best; Massachusetts is #1 and New Hampshire is #3.

Income & Expenditures – Michael Hinchman
Nothing new to report at this time.

Speakers – Marie Hayes

Confirmed speaker for September meeting – George Kasimos founder of Stop FEMA Now. He will speak on issues surrounding flood insurance and regulations. Requested a stipend of $100.00. Sheila Hartranft motioned to accept, seconded by Bill Hartranft; unanimously agreed to. Marie motioned to place ads in the newspapers (1/4 page in Sentinel and ½ page in the gazette. Motion seconded by Dave Hayes and carried unanimously.

Web Communications – Dave Hayes
Nothing new to report on communication.

Dave said that he and Donna Moore, a member of FIT attended the city council meeting on July 6, 2017. They requested council pull the resolution awarding $28,900.00 to Goodfellows, Inc. for landscaping work on the exterior of the public library. The proposal from the landscaping company was devoid of any substantiation or description of work to be performed. Council discussed the resolution and admitted that the proposal did lack detail and was poorly written. Voted in favor of the resolution..

Old Business

Response to follow up questions to city was poor. No explanation as to the discrepancy between the original estimate of the work at $9m and later quoted at $17.5m for the pumping stations.
One comment was that the city is just “blowing us off” and being non-responsive. Does anyone care?

A second comment was that the ad did not have the necessary impact. Michael Hinchman commented that there should be an ad on check valves or a follow up to the ad already run.

General Comments

It was suggested that we contact a representative of the Gas Company to provide their plan and
timeline for digging up our roads

It was commented that there are now 3 restaurants in Ocean City providing for BYOB; Patty &
John’s, the Port ‘o Call and Captain Johns. They do require a membership fee, making the facilities
“private” and thereby passing by the ordinance.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:55 P.M.

Next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 6, 2017.

Respectfully submitted by
Sheila Hartranft

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